Diverse product lineup of SAKURA SI.
Introduce SAKURA SI product from "Washing/Sterilization" to "Bio-related devices".
Oval type for PharmaceuticalHigh-pressure Steam Sterilizer

Clear the rigious quality control based on international standard with a new concept.
Aim to realize the energy saving equipment to meet with the times and target the global standard.
It is a flagship product of SAKURA SI.

Realize a energy saving model by light weight chamber that is oval type and own control technology.
Door opening process to be short by high speed lock system. And new door packing is realized the leakage"0".
Inside chamber dead leg is cleard within 3D and piping slope is 1/50.
It is attached self monitoring system and related data integrity funtion(CSV) to strengthen security on the control part.
It is available to seperate temperature sensor control and recoding. And it is possible a mutual surveillance of pressure sensor.
It is realized the improvement of sterilization performance with monitoring system of satruated steam.
For pharmaceutical field