Diverse product lineup of SAKURA SI.
Introduce SAKURA SI product from "Washing/Sterilization" to "Bio-related devices".
Best for general instrument and laboratory animal facilities.High-pressure Steam Sterilizer

Log-in management and equipment management fuction are eqquiped.
Equipment performance has improved by the latest control technology.
Safety and credibility has improved also.

The sealing performance is strengthened by new designed door packing, and is reviewed the rigidity of door around to improve the safety and the maintainability.
Equipped a new designed steam supply control funtion, and realize the setting temperature to ± 1.0 °C for the best temperature of sterilization by reduced pressure controlling of supplied steam.
Equipped color display to improve visibility and operability.
And installed access restriction function by authority to enhance the security. Support log-in history management function also.
Equipped a lot of function such as operating monitor, condition monitor, abnormal history, etc..
And it is also equipped with a fail-safe function that constantly monitors high-level abnormal with high pressure to perform a safety processing automatically.
Support Japanese, English, Korean for display language.
*There is oval type for some small chamber.
Sterilization of general instrument.
Liquid sterilization for laboratory animal facilities.